Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Essay about the Effective Business Communication

Question: Write an essay about the Effective Business Communication. Answer: Introduction Thill and Bovee, (2013) mention that effective business communication plays a crucial importance in developing the communication skills of the people for better interaction both in the workplace and in personal. In this process, the speaker, as well as the listener, shares their experience for better understanding their skills and ability to share responsibility. In this essay, I am going to represent what I have learned from the course study in the context of the effective business communication and what I have gained from the each weeks lectures, tutorial activities and assigned journal articles that have been provided to me during four weeks of the course. Furthermore, I will describe how these academic activities help me to understand the importance and develop my skills and how it will encourage me to improve my communication skills as I have learned about the difference between the interpersonal communication skills and the interpersonal communication skills. I also came to kno w that I possess a passive behavior and have to develop my assertive behavioral skills. This essay will wrap up with overall insights and observation from the learning outcomes during these four weeks. Discussion Week 1: In the first week, I have learned about the theory of professional communication and its related ethics. Moreover, our lecturer not only makes us understand the theories of effective communication but they have also taught us about the different model related with the same context. This lecture helps me to realize that from effective communication; our identity reflects by which a person can distinguish us compared to others and helps us to behave appropriately in social gathering that enhances our social interaction with people. I have learned that in an efficient communication it is important to maintain abstractness so that all the listeners will understand the conceptual fact one delivers. I have also learned about the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship which resembles that our though and its consequence like anger, love and patience is intrapersonal behavior while how we communicate with them in the workplace, the social gathering is known as interpersonal communication. Our class also conducts the tutorials for presenting the difference by showing us some videos from where I understand that I have to behave more patiently from others instrumental communication. The tutors also help me to understand the dissimilarity between verbal and non-verbal communication that one is a single channeled communication style while the other is the multichannel communication and can be gathered by textbooks and audio excerpts. I also learned about the types of non-verbal messages and understanding the listening process and it related importance. The provided tutorials help me how to express my views and how I can communicate during project seminars by preparing an outline and practicing the content for the symposium, which will helps me to improve my communication skills to others. These non-verbal tutorials help me to improve my body orientation so that I can interpret my attitude to others by making different postures like thumb up for a plan approval, handshakes to represent formal meetings. The provided journal article in the weak one helps me to define the listening process, following which I can retrieve information juts by listening some audio and ca n evaluate by making a judgment to the sound and respond accordingly. This listening ability gives me develop the remembering skills that help me to utilize my learned theories regarding effective communication in the future in my workplace. Week 2: In this week, we have learned about the procedure for developing effective delivering presentation to communicate with listeners. My tutor also makes me learn types of public speech during the second week. The course that I have also been providing comprise of the communication apprehension and ability to analyze the rhetorical situation that is the speaker, audience and occasion. The offered tutorials have the information regarding the formal and practical structure of the presentation and visual aids along with types of organizational presentations that will help me to present my thoughts in delivering performance throughout my life for better communication with the addresses. My tutor has made me learn about the types of speaking - one is given without any preparation like depicting some memorable incidences in social gatherings and other is a speech that is delivered with the help of the manuscripts and by properly rehearsing for the final dictation like in college semina rs and office conference. I also came to know that I become less confident while impromptu and extemporaneous form of speaking; however, I feel confident to deliver an effective speech when I am properly rehearsed with my content of the writing. Communication Apprehension is the following matter of concerned that is provided by my mentors and it makes me realized that whether we have fear or anxiety of being judged by others and can deliver a speech to them or not. The provided tutorials also help to make me learn that in Communication Apprehension, there is a Rhetorical Situation, where analysis is being made by the speaker, audience, an occasion and lastly in the context of the speech. I also came to know that analyzing the speaker resembles the situation what I want to speak and depict during my communication and what I know about the topic I am going to introduce. I usually prepare an effective introduction and the main content of the subject and an overall conclusion so that the listener can understand what I wanted to say and teach them. The assigned journal article also allow me to develop an idea that during a speech a dictator can motivate or encourage its audience by stating a practical impact of the presentation h e or she delivers. I have also learned that for an effective speech, all my content must be supported by other journal article or proved theories. All these gathered knowledge is going to help me for establishing a competence on a particular subject. Week 3: The primary objective for learning outcome is to develop small group communication and the undertaken procedure for this development. At the initial stage, I develop an idea that this course will help me in obtaining good marks in collaborative projects and also to get a good job in future. My tutor makes me learn that developing small group communication helps us to identify weakness and strength of our team members and we can resolve those situations for group development. Eve in the workplace these group discussion will help us to mitigate evolved conflicts. The tutorials we have been provided depict that small group communication makes us aware of the kind of nature and attitude everyone possess in the group. My tutors also encourage participating our class in learning activities so that we can learn to abut the difference between the group work and team work. Supported by the learning outcome, I came to know that when some individuals collaborate their work for accomplis hing a single task is known as the group work as I do with my classmates in a group projects. While on the other hand, teamwork signifies to achieve a common outcome by sharing a common goal and team purpose like in office premises. This knowledge helps me in future to work proficiently with my colleagues in my workplace. Another thing that I have learned during this week is how to conduct and communicate with the team members in a meeting. Moreover, from the tutorials I have learned that meeting can be of many types like Information-sharing meetings, where I can share my thoughts regarding a subject so that I can make everyone learn about what I know and what is my purpose of conducting the meeting. Another form of meeting that our tutors taught us is the decision making or problem solving meetings, which will help me in the future workplace for suggesting some methodologies or ideologies for the betterment of the system so that an efficient procedure can be implemented for the organization. The tutorial activities provide to us makes me learn that for an effective meeting it is important to decide what the primary concern of the conference is and the subject of the meeting that is going to be conducted. I also learned that that planning is necessary for initiating a session that comprises of general rules like how much to deliver and the time of the meeting is important to consider. Ultimately, the important thing that I learned is that from the entire previous week module I can improve my verbal and non-verbal communication skills that can I can implement in conducting a meeting in future. Week 5: In this week out tutors make, us learn about the difference between the intrapersonal and interpersonal communication so that we can develop an effective communication style not only to behave in our workplace but also in our family gathering and society. Moreover, from the provide tutorials I can understand when someone acts aggressively and delivers such messages. My tutors guide me to understand the aggressive communication when someone attacks with their thoughts verbally. I can learn from these tutorials that I sometimes became aggressive while making interpersonal communication with my family and sometimes to friends. Thus, I can assert that I have Situational aggressive communication. I have learned that it is equally important to value your professional as well your personal way of communication. Some of the provided journal articles are for determining the consequence of the aggressive verbal communication and from which I have learned that not only this antagonistic behavior reduces the level of job satisfaction but it also hampers my organizational commitment as nobody will like to share their thoughts, which will result in isolation in me. Furthermore, from the provided tutorials I have also learned about a passive form of communication. My tutor also taught that people usually have a fear to express their thoughts to other or a fear of rejection is known as passive communication. These tutorials make me realized that unlike many of my friends, initially I also have a fear to share my assumptions to other especially to my mentors. However, they have also helped me to overcome this fear by making me realize how it is important to communicate my needs and requirement to others and depict actual thinking, which will help me in future for a better collaborative attitude in my workplace. One of our assigned journal articles comprises of the theory of passive aggressive communication. These articles make me learn about the general nature of the passive aggressive people that they have a tendency to resent the demand to direct the view of other. White, (2015) depict that these people also attain international mistakes and hos tile attitude. The journal article also contains some traits by which I learned how to manage these kinds of people. One of such traits is to identify their behavior so that it doesn't escalate. Moreover, for my communication skills, it will be helpful to these people or this kind of behavior helps me to stay calm in such situation and rather identify the caused reason, which drives the person to behave in such manner. All these learning will help me to improve my personality for handling all kind of people. Conclusion This essay comprises of the effective communication learning for any of the four weeks. Week one makes me learn about the theory of professional communication and its related ethics. Moreover, from week 2 I have learned about the procedure for developing an effective delivering presentation. In the week 3 and four, my tutors and the tutorial activities help me to learn about the development of small group communication and the undertaken procedure for this development and the difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. All the attained knowledge and tutorial activities regarding verbal and non-verbal communication help to conduct meetings, interviews and small group communication that will help me to communicate with people in the society as well in the future workplace. This assignment also emphasizes on the passive and assertive form of communication along with the impact of the passive aggressive communication attitude. The provide tutorials help to understan d the related consequence with such attitude and some measures for mitigating the occurrence of this kind of behavior. All this information develops the communication skills of an individual. Bibliography Almeida, R. T. D., Ciosak, S. I. (2013). Communication between the elderly person and the Family Health Team: is there integrality?.Revista latino-americana de enfermagem,21(4), 884-890. Blume, B. D., Baldwin, T. T., Ryan, K. C. (2013). 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